Real estate manager
A real estate Manager is a highly qualified specialist who is, in fact, his employer’s right-hand man. Thanks to such an employee, the owner of a real estate can forget about a lot of difficulties associated with private property management, including taking care of real estates located abroad.
The requirements for a real estate Manager vary depending on each employer. However, there is a number of requirements which must be met in order to apply for such a role:
- human resource management skills;
- knowledge of communications engineering;
- record keeping and computer literacy
- able to monitor utility usage (electricity, water, gas), the operation of wastewater, heating and ventilation systems.
- able to oversee the repair and replacement of damaged parts of a building or property
The property Manager coordinates the work of all estate services. He manages cooks, gardeners, security guards, maids, drivers, and other personnel, including service employees. In case of construction or repair work, the manager is responsible for overseeing it as well.
An ideal candidate for this position must be able to carry out financial obligations such as budget preparation and maintenance of financial records/statement.
Purchasing inventory, equipment and supplies needed for the household, and in some cases, construction materials should also be done by a real estate manager. Depending on the employer’s needs, he or she will ask the real estate manager to draw up an estimate of upcoming expenses and a work plan.
The manager is also partially responsible for the duties of a personal secretary. For example, he can manage your home calendar, book tickets, handle mail, control and organize various events — banquets, children's parties, and receptions. In addition, your estate manager also carries out duties of a personnel manager, responsible for the work schedule, hiring and replacing other employees. Therefore, they need a solid knowledge of normative documents, in particular, labor regulations.
If your property is located abroad, the real estate manager must speak English fluently. It is also desirable that he has a driver's license and knows how to drive a car. Among other things, it is preferable to hire candidates with a degree in engineering. After all, not every person can quickly find and eliminate a leak in the pipeline or a short circuit in a hidden wiring.
Of course, tasks given by the property owner should not be difficult for the manager. he can answer calls, meet guests, plan your travel itinerary, book hotel rooms, and monitor the security of your property. He can also be assigned to communicate with tenants, and if the manager is trustworthy, then the purchase of agricultural equipment for landscaping of the adjacent area.
To conclude, now you can make a list of personal characteristics of a real estate manager. He must be punctual, responsible, sociable, able to act quickly in difficult situations, prudent, determined and have an analytical mind set. Decency is key. Therefore, the choice of an employee for managing private properties should be trusted to professionals only.