What is an English maternity nanny?
The first months of a child's life are a happy but quite anxious period. At this age, the baby is so fragile and vulnerable that sometimes even parents are afraid to do some procedures.
Young moms and dads have a lot of questions:
- What should I do if my baby’s tummy hurts?
- What’s the proper way to bathe my child?
- What should I feed my child with if I’m not producing enough milk?
- Do I feed my baby every hour?
- Shall I rock my baby or wean him/her off it as soon as possible?
A British maternity nanny is a specialist who has all the answers to your questions. Nannies from the UK are often qualified nurses and have several special training certificates and diplomas: MNT (special training in newborn care), NEB (2-year course on working with children from 0 to 7 years), CACHE (course on theory and practice of child development from 0 to 7 years), NVQ (a several level course with intensive practice).
How can an English maternity nurse make life easier for your family?
A maternity nanny from England has a plethora of experience working with babies. In addition to her education, she always has positive recommendations from previous employers. Your maternity nurse will not only take care of your baby, but also teach you how to care for your child. If necessary, she will provide psychological support to the mother and help her cope with postpartum depression. The EnglishNanny agency has picked English maternity nurses for Russian families for many years. In many cases, maternity nurses arrive before a child is born to establish contact with the mother, support her and prepare her for her baby's arrival in advance.
Please note: in England only special training allows a nanny to work with families. Compared to Russia, where any woman with experience in child care can become a maternity nurse, English maternity nurses are qualified professionals. They must pass special tests, practice their skills in nurseries and only after receiving a diploma they have the right to work in a family setting or kindergarten.
How much do a maternity nanny’s services cost?
As a rule, maternity nurses are offered 3-month contracts. Working shifts can be 12 or 12 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week.
The approximate salary is 150-200 pounds per day for a 12-hour shift and 200-250 pounds for a 24-hour shift.
In addition, the employer usually provides a maternity nurse with a relocation pack-age which covers visa costs, flights and accommodation.
If the maternity nurse is already based in Russia, then additional housing expenses are covered according to the terms of her contract.
EnglishNanny agency will take care of everything related to the hiring process and arrival of your maternity nanny to Russia. All you need to do is let us know your requirements. EnglishNanny managers will select one for you, check her qualifications and experience, contact her previous employers, schedule an interview, help her get an invitation and a visa, book tickets, meet her at the airport bring her to you.
What are the typical responsibilities of a maternity nurse?
- Providing support to mother and child during the whole period of her contract;
- Feeding, walks, getting the baby ready for bed and all other tasks necessary for implementing a routine;
- Maintaining a child safe environment at all times;
- Child care management, overseeing other nannies who look after the child;
- Helping to strengthen the bond between mother and child;
- Active interaction with parents, helping them in difficult situations;
- Offering psychological support, as well as teaching the baby’s parents how to care for their child;
- Assistance in planning and organising a healthy diet for a newborn baby;
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