Nanny-Governess from Russia
Nanny-Governess is a kind of staff youtrust the safety, health and development of your children with. When hiring a nanny, you need to pay attention to personal traits and professional qualities of the candidate.

Love for children, the ability to be compassionate are crucial traits for nanny\governess.
Should you choose a governess by references from previous families or ads in social media?
People in Russia used to hire staff just asking friends for references or looking up on the internet. However, this way of choosing staff can lead to unpredictable results. Reference is just a someone else’s view and ads in the Internet seem like a lottery. When you hire staff in your own, your choice is based on your ability to read people.
Nanny in Russia is a person who brought up her own children and grandchildren. They say it’s a sign she has experience of working with children. But personal experience differs from professional one. In most of the cases nanny is a unemployed person who considers that job as an occasional income.

Nanny-Governess who was chosen by references from friends or online ads often don’t possess ecessary professional skills.
What should you do if you need a nanny for a preschooler?
If you need a professional nanny in Moscow, contact English Nanny Agency. We are a combination of professionalism, good manners and big responsibility for our staff. We have a database full of proven candidates. One of the main requirements for all the candidates is a qualification in child’s development or psychology. For example, special courses or higher education in teaching. Nanny should have knowledge and experience in physical, social and intellectual development to get in our database. Nanny-Governess should be familiar with intellectual and emotional needs of children of different age groups.

Nanny for a newborn from English Nanny Agency is able to provide pre-doctor care and define the symptoms of many child’s illnesses. Nanny helps with the child’s development and advice parents on teaching.
What are the duties of professional nanny-governess?
The first thing is professional care. Engage children in developmental play and activities is one of the main tasks of nanny\governess. Nanny-Governess teaches manners, discipline and social rules.

Professional nanny\governess is not just a woman who can care for children. It’s a worker who has full responsibility for intellectual and emotional development of the child.
What is a typical schedule for nanny-governess?
The employer states his\her expectation when contacting the agency. For example, “I need a Russian nanny-governess for full time” or “I need a nanny\governess for several hours a day”. After confirming all the details, the manager starts recruiting process. A separate room for a nanny is provided if a nanny stays with the child 24\7. Also nanny\governess can accompany the family while travelling.
An au pair often have a degree in the childcare and teaching field but have no experience.