French governess
If you want your child to have a good education, perfect manners and learn a foreign language in an easy and exciting way —
you need an English or French governess.

In pre-revolutionary Russia each aristocratic family had governesses from France, a music teacher, and tutors from European countries. It is known that young Pushkin wrote his first poems in French. French count of Montfort and Pushkin’s educator instilled a love of literature and French in the greatest Russian poet.
It is obvious that daily practice is necessary for the development of a child's talents. When a child is constantly accompanied by a mentor, whom he loves, respects, listens to, and with whom he opens new horizons, the child develops quickly and in different areas.
What will a French governess give a child?
Today we live in a fast life. We work hard, are constantly in a hurry and too busy minding our own business. In the rush of days, we forget that a small person, who desperately needs our attention, is growing up next to us. In order for the child to feel comfortable, develop curiousity, learn to understand art, be fully developed in all areas and not afraid of new experiences, the child needs a friend and mentor. A person who will hold his hand so tightly that he will feel confident and safe from the first days of his life.
A governess from France will guide your child to the world of knowledge and new hob-bies. With her help, your child will learn French and manners in a fun way. The French governess will be his friend in games and tutor in studies. Depending on her experience and training, the governess can teach the child how to sing, dance, play the piano, draw and develop other hidden talents.

Researchers who study early years education, have found that leaning a foreign language as a child is beneficial for the development of brain functions. If you teach a child a second language in at an early age, then soon it will start pronounce French letters and sounds with the same clarity as the Russian words, and after it he will speak in phrases and sentences. A native French speaker will teach your child which will allow him to speak French fluently in a few years.
For the best result, we recommend hiring a governess from France and a governess from England to work in shifts.
This will help your child learn two foreign languages at the same time.
Why does your child need a French governess?
Children are growing up,changing and expanding new horizons daily, and their ability to grasp new information increases day by day. The new knowledge taught by a French governess will increase your child’s potential, improve his thinking skills and memory abilities. The child will grow up both creative and scientifically-inclined. He will receive a French upbringing, will understand the culture of France, be fluent in French, play music, sing and draw.

Leanring French at a young age is a great investment in the future. As you know, France is one of the few European countries where international students can study for free. AFrench governess today — a prestigious European education tomorrow.
What tasks will a French governess un-dertake?
In addition to being a kind and bubbly native speaker, she is a qualified specialist who has an international diploma and certificate of specialized training. No private and prestig-ious kindergarten is able to give a child the level of knowledge that he will receive from a governess. Depending on the contract, a governess or tutor with knowledge of French may have dif-ferent responsibilities.
The invited specialist can keep your child busy and engaged in games and all sorts of educational activities all day long or several hours. The duties of a governess usually include feeding, walks, entertainment, games, French language classes, and teaching other subjects. If necessary, a French governess can take full control of the child's activities: oversee their progress in various areas, check homework, teach etiquette and manners.
French education is aimed at developing a child's independence and good manners. French mothers don’t indulge the whims of their kids. As a result, children understand that parents can be busy and don't throw tantrums if they were denied attention or didn’t get a new toy.
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